Python Crash Course Lists & Notes! #2

Hi Everyone, 

These are just the notes I have been taking whilst learning Python I will apologise in advance as they are a bit of a mess due to my word license running out! So I am using this as a sort of substitute for a notes dump. 

Data Types -
Int - Whole number.
Float - Decimal Number. 
Constant - written in all caps. Constants never change.

Methods - 
f = To insert a variable’s value into a string, place the letter f immediately
before the opening quotation mark.
.rstrip - takes whitespace away from right side.
.lstrip - takes whitespace away from left side.
.strip - takes whitespace away.
.upper - sets strings to capital text. 
.lower - sets strings to lower text.
.title = puts makes each word first letter capital 
.append - for lists
.insert - for lists
.pop - for lists. Takes item specified by index and prints it (or "pops" it) example - .pop(0) will print first value.
.remove - used for lists. Removes specified index value. 
\t = tab
\n = new line 

Lists [] - A list is a collection of items in a particular order. You can make a list that
includes the letters of the alphabet, the digits from 0–9, or the names of
all the people in your family. [] brackets indicate a list. Lists start at 0. Can use -1 to access the last number in the list the index -2 returns the second item from the end of the list,
the index -3 returns the third item from the end, and so forth.

Using List - 
dogs = ["Akita", "Collie", "Boarder"]
message = "My Favourite dog is"
print(f"{message.title()} {dogs[-1].title()}")
Changing value in list =
dogs[0] = "Sausage Dog"
This will change the value of Akita to "Sausage dog" 

Appending List -
This will add terrier into the end of the list.

Delete value from list - 
del dogs[0] 
this will delete the first value from the list and the value can no longer be used.


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