
Showing posts from July, 2020

This is it!

Hi Everyone,  Firstly I'd like to thank anyone who actually read through a majority of the posts (I'm surprised at the amount of views there has been!), from here now I will finish learning about network automation and start working on studying for the actual exam. I intend to start practicing through the Boson exams then lab for a few days solidly, this isn't so much for the knowledge but I want to be capable of being in a working environment and configuring devices, I could learn all the theory in the world but what use is it if I can't put it into practice! So that'll be the game plan for the next while. I will update when I book the exam. Thanks for everyone who has read through the posts!   -Iain 

Study Session Number 35! Wireless Networking #36

Need to re-read/re-watch information on this topic mostly just for WLC configuration. WAP's -   Provide connectivity between wireless stations and the wireless & wired networks. Wireless is half duplex (CSMA/CA). Wireless Network Types - WPAN (Personal Area Network) - Devices within 10 meters of each other. Bluetooth is used.  WLAN (Local Area Network) - Devices within 100 meters of AP.  WMAN (Metropolitan Area Network) - Covers large areas such as cities.  AD-Hoc -  Peer to peer device connectivity, peer to peer network known as Independent Basic Service Set (IBSS). Infrastructure Mode -  Rather than an AD-Hoc network where the clients communicate directly with each other, infrastructure mode uses a wireless access point (Access Point) and the clients communicate through the AP. AP can be connected to the wired network to solve scalability issues that AD-Hoc networks have OR use multiple AP's to increase network coverage.  Infrastructure Mode Terminology -  Basic Servic

Study Session Number 34! Cloud Computing (And some Virtualization)! #35

IT Deployment Models BEFORE Cloud - On Premises - Everything within the network is owned by you, all the equipment is located in the building, connections between offices and internet is dealt with by SP. Equipment is CapEx (Capital Expenditure - Up front, one fee payment). A week to deploy new equipment. Need redundancy. Co-location services - Data center which is rented out to customers. Owner provides everything - power, security cooling, physical equipment for the customers  networking equipment, storage and servers. The users desktops will still be in the office. ON PREMISES = OWNED BY COMPANY, ALL PAID FOR. CO-LOCATION = RENTING OUT DATA CENTER SPACE TO CUSTOMERS THROUGH SLA. BUILDING PROVIDE BY OWNER, IT EQUIPMENT PROVIDED BY YOU. Cloud computing - Being able to pull configurable computer resources such as network, servers, storage, applications and services that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal effort. 5 Characteristics of Cloud, a cloud service must have al