Study Session Number 3! Cisco DNA Center and WLC (WLAN Controller) #4

Hi Everyone!

Today I'm going to talk about Cisco DNA (Digital Network Architecture) Center's and WLAN Controller's, this is building on the previous session I had! After discussing these two topics this will cover 1.1 of the Exam Objectives! Woohoo! 

Figure 1 

As this is my study notes I've only discussed the topics that I needed to learn/re - study (c, d, e in Figure 1), after this section I will spend some time reviewing all the topics just to build the muscle memory as I believe this section has been mostly just facts and how devices operate, anyways lets get it into it! 

When automation is used in Cisco what manages it? The Cisco DNA Controller - its used as a way to manage networks along with the ability to be able to deploy a network in seconds, this is also a good technology to provide third party integration. The DNA controller is managed through a GUI web interface (This is similar to a MaaS server, if anyone has configured that!), in summary a DNA controller is used for management, automation and deployment. The entire DNA Center is a software, although with the word center it makes it sound like a physical attribute. 

A Wireless LAN Controller is similar to the Cisco DNA Center in that it is used to manage devices. When talking about a wireless LAN controller think of what devices are associated with wireless LANS! Access Points (AP's), a Wireless LAN Controller manages these access points, when talking about an AP it comes under one of the two categories: 
  • Autonomous Access Points - These are access points that dont need a WLC.
  • Lightweight Access Points - These are access points that are associated with a WLC.
WLC Features: 
  • Wireless Intrusion Prevention System.
  • Central policy & security management. 
  • QoS 
  • IPV6 Mobility & Security Management,


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