Study Session Number 10! OSPF Labbing and Studying! #11

Hi Everyone! 

Today will be spent labbing and using ospf, just want to really cement the concepts of it into my brain and I always believe the best way to remember something is to practice, practice, practice! I've also started to use cheat sheets for topics, I'm finding them alot more readable as the information is condensed into what you need to know about the topic rather than overloading on every inch of the topic. As it is just now the current study method that I'm following is a three-step process of - learn, practice, teach (In my case I have no one to teach so my dog will be a master of ospf by the end of this ;p), so far this three step process is working just struggling to remember all the in's and outs of OSPF, regardless after today I'm moving onto a different topic as I've spent the past 3-4 days just on this and I really need to be getting on, if I still dont properly remember everything ill just re-visit it when I study for the exam. 


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